Conceptualizing the Idea of Threesome Marriage

Threesome Marriage

Ok, before starting let’s make it clear that the idea of threesome marriage is in no sense related to porn or such things. It is just an idea with a non erotic meaning.

Two is a company, three is a crowd.

This is an old saying.
But then why do we approach to a third person when we quarrel? Why do we need a third person to have a change in life? Why is it that people complain about ‘breach of personal space’ when with a partner?
May be we are made like that.  May be it is natural to have quarrels with a person with whom you spend all of your time. And may be that is why there is always a need of a friend or a family member to whom we can approach in times of sorrow.
Well this situation gave me a hypothetical idea of a Threesome Marriage.

The Threesome Marriage

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Dil to Bachha Hai Ji: the Art of Mental Highjacking

50 shades of mind

We spend so much time and resources on our mental conditioning, or what is commonly known as ‘Training’. As soon as we get hold of our senses, we are exposed to a number of courses and programs, to make us a suitable candidate for the various roles that we play during our eventful lifespan. But we often forget one thing…
That, a good start to a role play can be done only when we make up our mind/heart.
In our routine life, we perform a number of roles. We might be a parent, sibling, employee, subordinate, friend, lover, artist, and a countless number of things… And every single role requires a particular mindset. This is where most of us fail. It’s easy to acquire the technical skills to master a job, the challenge lies in preparing your mind and heart to be able to do the same.
Like it’s said, the biggest battles are flight on a mental level.
The person who masters the art of making up the mind for any task that comes up, can do anything with great probability of success.

50 Shades of Mind

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The Bald-man Paradox

bald man paradox

Before starting any serious discussion, here’s a short story:

There was a bald person, who used to be very conscious about his baldness. Anywhere he went, he only thought about his bald look and the fact that people might be making fun of fun. So one day he purchased a hair-wig and started using it to make public appearances.

I used to observe this person from a distance and one day an idea struck my mind.

The bald person used the hair wig as he was conscious of his baldness, but he remained conscious even after wearing that wig, thus defeating the purpose of having the wig. (because he still feels conscious of his baldness)

But when that person became confident with his personality, he no longer felt the need to wear the wig, and again negated the need of wearing it for inculcating confidence.

This is where is the idea of Bald-man Paradox struck my mind. Continue reading